
High Holy Days 2024

We are pleased to announce Shabbat services are once again held at de Toledo High School Rita’s Room. See Schedule page for full schedule. They will also be shown via Livestream on the link below.

Around the Rabbi’s Tisch is held via Zoom on Thursday evenings. See Shir Notes for more information including Zoom meeting ID and password.

Click here to access the Livestream

The schedule is available here, and emailed to our email list. If you want to be included on our list email Stan Schroeder at stanpacbell@gmail.com.

Click here to see the October calendar

Ritual Committee Information & Stan Schroeder Articles

Rabbi David Vorspan’s 5780 Yom Kippur Yizkor sermon

Shir Ami 5784 High Holy Day Dvar Torahs

5784 Book of Remembrance

Rabbi Harold Schulweis yahrzeit commemoration

Shir Notes

Shir Notes is the monthly newsletter of our congregation. It contains a message from Rabbi Vorspan, news of upcoming events, the projects of our hard-working committees, features about holidays and/or news of Jewish interest, a short biography of a Jewish personality, and a brief look at one of our members. The birthdays, anniversaries, and yahrzeits for the month are listed. There is also information provided by our advertisers and other congregational news.

Read October
Shir Notes

Congregation Shir Ami is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.

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